Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Chosen with grace

Hi there!

I have some bibleverses that I want to share. 
Let’s start ;)

What this verse says is actually super clear: God CHOSE you! Not because you were more special than someone else but because He loves you so much that he wanted you for this thing He has for you.
God has chosen everyone for something! When you pray and ask God to show you for what He chose you, He will! Maybe not right away but at his perfect timing. If you think you are not chosen for anything, then you are 100% wrong! So believe you are chosen!!!

You don’t need to do anything for God to choose you! He chose you before you were even born.
But somehow we still all think that we need to prove to God that we are able to fulfill his purpose for us. 
This is a lie. We don’t need to prove anything. God chose us because he already knew that we will be able to do that task. He also knew that we will fail sometimes. That’s why he gave us GRACE.

=> So remember that you have a purpose and that you are perfect for that task. You don’t need to prove it anymore because you already have God’s approval since the day you were born.

Have a blessed week!!!


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