Sunday, October 1, 2017

♡ Light, love, peace ♡

Hey people!!

Here I am again with a new painting :,-). But I just want to share this with you because I feel like there is a message behind this picture!

So when you first look at this picture you see a guy and a girl. Your first reaction is like „oo romantic“.
But when you think again you might see what I see in it: the „guy“ isn’t just a guy but is Jesus.
You see that this girl is standing in the midst of darkness but then there is that light...
This light is formed like a heart. Because God promised us that He would send His son to this world to bring light and love.  Romans 5:8
In the right corner of the heart you see some red color. This symbolizes Jesus who died at the cross so our sins would be forgiven. 1 Peter 2:24

You might be walking trough darkness, trough hard times. But you don’t need to stay away from God, His love, His help, His forgiveness,... 
Sometimes we think because we are in darkness we can’t enjoy God or His love and presence. But that’s a lie!!! God wants us to walk with Him and trust Him even when it’s hard. 
Sometimes your not able to walk with Him but he is patient: He will wait for you and start walking again when you are ready. But even while your still and resting He is there and you can rest in His presence.

Don’t be ashamed to spend time with God. He wants to spend time with you even while your broken. 
He loves us and we need to believe it too! He send His only son to this world to save us. So if that isn’t a reason why we should believe that He really loves us I don’t know what would.

1 John 1:7
John 8:12
Joshua 1:9
Romans 8:38
1 John 4:10
Isaiah 9:2

Be blessed this comming week


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